General Information
- Last application date: September 15, 2022 11:59 PM CEST
- Type of employment: Permanent position
- Contract type: Full time
- First day of employment: By agreement
- Reference number: PA2022/2541
Link to the job listing in English
Link to the job listing in Swedish
Work Duties
We are looking for an ambitious political scientist and Middle Eastern scholar at the start of her/his career. The work duties associated with the position mainly consist of research, within the specialization of the call (see below), and teaching in the first and second cycles of study in political science and Middle Eastern Studies. The position includes at least 50 percent research and no more than 50 percent teaching and administrative duties. The position is linked to the Strategic Research Area Middle East in the Contemporary World (MECW) led by professor Karin Aggestam and professor Ronny Berndtsson at the Centre of Advanced Middle Eastern Studies (CMES). The MECW research program consists of four research themes: 1) Environment and sustainable development; 2) Security and sustainable peace; 3) Democratization, migration and sustainable socio-economic development; and 4) Religion, identity and culture. For more details about the MECW programme
The successful candidate shall pursue research in political science and Middle Eastern studies within the MECW program. All MECW scholars are, however, able to conduct independent research, which relates to the overarching themes of the MECW program. They are free to choose their own research topics, develop their own theoretical ideas and apply the research methods they deem best suited. In addition, the successful candidate will be expected to conduct high-quality teaching at all levels in political science and Middle Eastern Studies. The main work place will be both at CMES and the Department of Political Science in Lund.
Requirements and Qualifications
A person who has obtained a PhD in political science or an equivalent degree from abroad, or has acquired the equivalent research expertise in other ways, shall be considered eligible for the position as associate senior lecturer. Priority will be given to applicants who have obtained a PhD or acquired the equivalent qualifications no more than five years prior to the application deadline, unless exceptional circumstances apply.
Assessment Criteria
General assessment criteria are the degree of expertise in research, teaching, administration and other areas of significance with reference to the disciplinary content and work duties of the position, and other personal abilities of significance for successfully carrying out these duties.
The assessment will particularly emphasize the applicant’s ability to develop and independently carry out high-quality research, participate in international collaboration and engage in interdisciplinary settings. In addition, applicants must be able to present documentation of their teaching skill. Proficiency in English and an ability to teach in English are required. The assessment will, more specifically, take into account the applicant’s (a) research expertise and progression in political science and Middle Eastern Studies, which will be assessed on the basis of the submitted scholarly work; (b) ability to develop and independently carry out high-quality research together with other researchers in national and international contexts; (c) ability to contribute to the general aims of the MECW research program; and (d) teaching experience and skill.
The application is to be submitted electronically to the Lund University e-recruitment portal. It is to be designed in accordance with the instructions of the Faculty of Social Sciences, which can be accessed on the Faculty website or received from recruitment manager Anders Kirchner (anders [dot] kirchner [at] sam [dot] lu [dot] se).
The application is to include
- (a) a cover letter;
- (b) a CV, including certificates/grade transcripts;
- (c) a written account of the applicant’s research and teaching expertise (see instructions on the academic qualifications portfolio);
- (d) the research publications the applicant would like to have considered (no more than five).
- (e) a project plan (approx. 2–4 pages) showing what research she/he intends to pursue within the scope of the Strategic Research Area of the MECW program and its four research themes.
Contact Details
- Karin Aggestam, Director, CMES, karin [dot] aggestam [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se
- Björn Badersten, Head of Department, bjorn [dot] badersten [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se
- Marie Persson, HR Coordinator, marie [dot] persson [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se
Union representatives
- SACO:Saco-s-rådet vid Lunds universitet, +46462229364
- OFR/ST:Fackförbundet ST:s kansli, +46462229362
- SEKO: Seko Civil, +46462229366