CMES organises a range of public outreach events every year, publishes regional outlook analyses on current affairs and briefs based on research results for policy makers.
CMES believes that our research is vital for individuals working in or with the Middle East and aims to frequently and effectively work with state institutions and organizations, the business sector, NGOs, the public and others who could benefit from our expertise.
Below you can find more information about the following outreach activities:
CMES Newsletter
The CMES Newsletter provides an up-to-date overview of Middle Eastern research, activities and events at Lund University and beyond.
Regional Outlook
Provides fresh perspectives and analysis of current events in the MENA region.
Collaborative Partners
Partners CMES collaborates with.
Public Events
Watch our public events on YouTube, more information below.
Contact Our Researchers
A list of our researchers, and their contact details, based on their areas of country expertise.

Trendspotting Future Challenges in the Middle East
In 2021, CMES organized an event in which five researchers were given ten minutes each to present a trendspotting analysis about key issues in the Middle East. Read more and watch the presentations here.

Democracy in the Middle East
In Almedalen 2022, CMES organized a panel discussion on democracy in the Middle East featuring Cecilia Uddén (Radio Sweden), Isabell Schierenbeck (University of Gothenburg), Robert Rydberg (Ministry for Foreign Affairs) and Rouzbeh Parsi (Swedish Institute of International Affairs). The discussion was chaired by Karin Aggestam (CMES Director, Lund University). A video recording of the event (in Swedish) is available on the CMES YouTube Channel.

Gender-Just Peace in the Middle East
In Almedalen 2022, CMES organized a panel discussion on the possibilities of gender-just peace in the Middle East featuring Charlotta Sparre (Swedish Dialogue Institute for the Middle East and North Africa), Emma Sundkvist (Lund University), Joel Abdelmoez (CMES, Lund University) and Marie Wikström (Kvinna till Kvinna). The discussion was chaired by Karin Aggestam (CMES Director, Lund University). A video recording of the event (in Swedish) is available on the CMES YouTube Channel.

The End of Liberal Democracy in Israel?
In Almedalen 2023, CMES organized a panel discussion on the political crisis, judicial reform and democracy in Israel with Göran Rosenberg (author and journalist), Lisa Strömbom (CMES and Political Science, Lund University) and Anders Persson (Political Science, Linnaeus University). The discussion was chaired by CMES Director Karin Aggestam. A video recording of the event (in Swedish) is available on YouTube.

Climate Challenges in the Middle East
In Almedalen 2023, CMES organized a panel discussion on climate challenges in MENA with Lina Eklund (CMES & Physical Geography, Lund University), Pinar Dinc (CMES & Political Science, Lund University), Stefan Döring (Peace and Conflict, Uppsala University) and Sara Brogaard (CMES & Sustainability Studies, Lund University). The discussion was chaired by CMES Director Karin Aggestam. A recording of the event is available on YouTube.