A 4-year fully funded PhD position at the Centre for Advanced Middle Eastern Studies (CMES) is now open for applications.
The Centre for Advanced Middle Eastern Studies is coordinating the Strategic Research Area (SRA) and the research program “The Middle East in the Contemporary World” (MECW). The program conducts cutting-edge interdisciplinary research on the Middle East and comprises more than 40 scholars from five different faculties at Lund University.
About the project
The PhD position is part of the research project Nuclear politics in the Middle East, funded by MECW, and led by Dr. Hebatallah Taha.
Nuclear politics in the Middle East (NUCLEAR-ME) is a research project that focuses on the nuclear condition in/from the Middle East. The overarching aim is to confront the long-standing invisibility of the region in nuclear thought. The PhD student is expected to contribute to knowledge about the "nuclear condition", broadly conceived. The project challenges the divide between weapons and energy, and considers multiple stages of the nuclear fuel cycle. It confronts disciplinary boundaries and scopes to account for diverse perspectives on the nuclear sphere. In doing so, it challenges hegemonic approaches to nuclear politics in the modern Middle East, which have emphasised fears of horizontal proliferation and have reproduced the assumption of nuclear desire as a point of departure. The PhD student is expected to pursue independent research both as regards theory and method within the overarching aim and focus of the project. The PhD student will have double affiliations with CMES and the Department of Political Science and is expected to be present and actively participate in both research environments as well as in the everyday activities of the project.
Application Process
Read more about this position and apply by visiting the recruitment system.