Torsten Janson

Torsten Janson (Ph.D. Islamic Studies)
His current research interests include:
Islam and Muslim identity in children’s literature (Middle East & diasporas)
Multiculturalism and Islamophobia
Palestinians and education in Lebanon
Visual politics in Turkish Islamism
Development of university autonomy (Kazakhstan)
Islam and Muslim minorities, Education, Children’s literature, Palestinians in Lebanon, Turkish Islamism
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
‘Welcome to the Mayor’s Sukkah!’ : On the spatial, performative, and cultural politics of Safra Square, Jerusalem
Torsten Janson, Mattias Kärrholm
Conference paper: abstract"A Halal Happy Ever After" : Envisioning Muslim Futures in Islamically Minded Children's Literature
Torsten Janson
(2024) Journal of Muslims in Europe, 13 p.301-321
Journal articleLovers of the Rose : Islamic Affect and the Politics of Commemoration in Turkish Museal Display
Torsten Janson
(2023) Modernity, Memory and Identity in South-East Europe , p.57-98
Book chapterSacred (re)collections : Culture, space and boundary negotiation in Turkish-Islamic memory politics
Torsten Janson, Neşe Kınıkoğlu
(2021) Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication
Journal articleSacralizing the City: Religious Disciplining of Istanbul’s Publics through Memoralization and Display
Torsten Janson
Conference paper: abstractBoundaries of innovation: Turkish religious politics between pedagogic inventiveness and theological transgression
Torsten Janson
Conference paper: abstractCompanion Essay : Cultural Context of the Midway Plaisance International Performances: Who Were Those Supernatural Beings Summoned by the Magicians?
Torsten Janson
(2019) Fair Tricks : The Magicians at the Columbian Exposition, Chicago 1893
PrefaceIslamic Signage in Migrant Enterprise: Visual Negotiations of Swedish Space
Torsten Janson
Conference paper: abstractIslamic Children's Literature: Informal Religious Education in Diaspora
Torsten Janson
(2018) International Handbooks of Religion and Education , p.435-468
Book chapterIstanbul Contested: Redrawing Religious/Secular Boundaries in Turkish Visual Politics
Torsten Janson
Conference paper: abstractAllt tyder nu på att Saudiarabiens försök att så split och öka sitt inflytande i Libanon definitivt har slagit slint
Torsten Janson
(2017) Sydsvenska dagbladet
Newspaper articleVisual staging of virtue in islamic children's literature : Discipline and pleasure
Torsten Janson
(2017) More Words about Pictures: Current Research on Picturebooks and Visual/Verbal Texts for Young People , p.127-154
Book chapterIslamic Children's Literature: Informal Religious Education in Diaspora
Torsten Janson
(2017) International Handbook of Religion and Education, 7
Book chapterDiscipline and Pleasure: Visual Staging of Virture in Islamic Children's Literature
Torsten Janson
(2017) Children's Literature and Culture , p.127-155
Book chapter”I don’t want to be paid for being a refugee!” A CMES seminar on Syrians in the Öresund Region
Torsten Janson
Web publicationInventing Sacred Spaces: Islamic Symbolism in Turkish Visual Politics. Paper at Middle Eastern Studies Association (MESA) Annual Meeting, Boston, US
Torsten Janson
Conference paperDepicting God’s Creation: Islamized images for a New Religious Pedagogy.
Torsten Janson
(2016) Images and Visual Representations in Muslim Popular Culture
Book chapterPutting Visual Multimodality into its Theoretical Context: Paper presented at Fourth World Congress of Middle Eastern studies (WOCMES), Ankara, Turkey
Torsten Janson
Conference paperIslamiska bilder
Jonas Otterbeck, Torsten Janson
(2014) Bildens kraft : religion och samtida utmaningar , p.61-94
Book chapterFrom Camp to Campus: Palestinian Identity at Lebanese Universities. Paper at Middle East Studies Association (MESA) Annual Meeting, Washington DC, US
Torsten Janson
Conference paperOrganizer of Roundtable Session: Educational Reform in the Contemporary Middle East: A Crossroad of Global and Local : Roundtable at Middle Eastern Studies Association (MESA) Annual Meeting, New Orleans, US
Torsten Janson, Reza Arjmand
Conference - otherGeert Wilders besök i Malmö
Torsten Janson
(2012) Religionsvetenskapliga kommentarer
Journal article (comment)Depicting God’s Creation : Islamized images for a New Religious Pedagogy
Torsten Janson
(2012) Images and Visual Representations in Muslim Popular Culture
Book chapterImaging Islamic Identity: Negotiated Norms of Representation in Euro-Muslim Picture Books
Torsten Janson
(2012) Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, 32 p.323-338
Journal articleDen beslöjade barnboken. Kultur- och genusförhandling i brittisk-muslimsk barnlitteratur
Torsten Janson
(2012) Islamologi. Studiet av en religion , p.224-243
Book chapterBranding Islamic Childhood: Children’s Literature and Euro-Muslim Entrepreneurship
Torsten Janson
(2012) Science, Technology and Entrepreneurship in the Muslim World
Book chapterThe Islamization of Images for Religious Socialization. Paper presented at Middle Eastern Studies Association (MESA) Annual Meeting, Washington DC, US
Torsten Janson
Conference paperVetenskaplig granskning av "Sjia-muslimske ritualer: arena för fromhet, politikk och sosialt engasjement"
Torsten Janson
OtherSpretigt men viktigt om islamofobi : Recension av Andreas Malms Hatet mot muslimer (Atlas, 2009)
Torsten Janson
(2009) Kyrkans tidning
Newspaper articleAndlighet, mångfald, skola. Föreläsning vid seminariet Barnens Rätt till Andlighet, Barnrättsakademin, Örebro universitet (fullängdstext)
Torsten Janson
Conference paperFrågor och svar om moskéattentatet : Torsten Janson, islamolog vid Malmö högskola, ger svar om Samarras betydelse
Torsten Janson
(2007) Svenska Dagbladet
Newspaper articleBildförbudet saknar stöd i Koranen
Torsten Janson, Leif Stenberg
(2006) Svenska Dagbladet, - Under strecket
Newspaper articleDet kulturella mötets villkor - en islamologisk kommentar till Integrationsbarometer 2005
Torsten Janson
(2006) Integrationsverkets rapportserie
ReportOm islamofobi, homofobi och ifrågasättandets villkor. Ett samtal mellan Torsten Janson och Ann Heberlein vid CTR-dagarna 2005, Lunds Universitet, Sverige.
Torsten Janson, Ann Heberlein
Conference paperDiasporans nya kläder: islamistisk barnlitteratur som uttryck för identitetsförhandling
Torsten Janson
(2005) ACSIS nationella forskarkonferens för kulturstudier, Linköpings universitet
Conference paperDen beslöjade barnboken - kultur och genusförhandling i muslimsk barnlitteratur
Torsten Janson
(2005) Locus, 05 p.70-85
Journal articleBilden av "juden" i muslimsk barnlitteratur. Paper vid CTR-dagarna 2004, Lunds Universitet.
Torsten Janson
Conference paperBehöver vi mer religionsvetenskap - eller mindre?
Torsten Janson
(2004) Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift, 80
Journal article (comment)Your Cradle Is Green : The Islamic Foundation and the Call to Islam in Children's Literature
Torsten Janson
(2003) Lund Studies of History of Religions, 18
DissertationMission och motmakt: islamisk da'wa i en global kontext
Torsten Janson
(2003) Svensk religionshistorisk årsskrift, 12, 2003 p.28-58
Journal articleInvitation to Islam: A History of Da'wa
Torsten Janson
(2002) Studies on Inter-Religious Relations
BookDa'wa: Islamic Missiology in Discourse and History
Torsten Janson
(2001) Swedish Missiological Themes, 89 p.359-415
Journal articleDen oönskade missionen : Proselytismen i Ryssland och den ortodoxa kyrkans reaktioner
Thomas Stoor
BookÖppna dörrar och slutna rum: proselytism och identitet på globaliseringens skuggsida
Torsten Janson, Thomas Stoor
(2001) Den oönskade missionen : Proselytismen i Ryssland och den ortodoxa kyrkans reaktioner , p.205-244
Book chapterOm lejon kunde tala. Religions- och kulturbegrepp i globaliseringens kölvatten. Paper vid Humanistdagarna 2000, Lunds universitet
Torsten Janson
Conference paper
Research Project
Current Project at CMES
Beyond Sacred/Secular Cities - Exploring Politics of Memory, Space, and Religion in Middle Eastern Nationalisms (2022-2025), funded by the MECW Research Program