The segment "Kriget mellan Israel och Hamas: Detta betyder begreppen" (English translation: "The war between Israel and Hamas: This is what the concepts mean") was aired on SVT's morning show ("Morgonstudion") on 12 October, 2023 (at 7:36 am). Below are some excerpts from the interview.
The Two-State Solution
This is the idea that the conflict between Israel and Palestine can be solved through the establishment of a Palestinian state, existing alongside the state of Israel. The Palestinian state would be based on the borders that existed before the 1967 war. This is what the international community has been working for.
The Peace Process
An acknowledgment between Israel and the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) in 1993 that initiated a step-by-step process to reach a permanent peace agreement. The process was unsuccessful, marred by violence and terror and had collapsed by the year 2000. Today, both sides do not see peace as possible and the conflict has become "frozen".
Ever since Israel occupied the West Bank, Israeli settlements have been built. At present, about 700 000 Israelis live on the West Bank and in East Jerusalem. These settlements continue to be one of the main challenges for building peace.
The Palestinian Authority
The Palestinian Authority was created during the peace process in 1994 and is placed in Ramallah. It is governed by a president with limited power. The latest Palestinian election was held in 2006 and this is when Hamas won the election, took charge in Gaza and threw out the Palestinian Authority from Gaza. This is an example of the deep fragmentation that exists within Palestinian society.